Leander ISD Clear Bag Policy

Leander ISD Clear Bag Policy

A clear bag policy will be enforced at all varsity football games held at Leander ISD's Bible, Gupton, and Monroe stadiums. Only clear plastic bags, with a maximum dimension of 12"x6"x12" will be permitted. Guests will not be allowed to enter the venue with a bag that does not meet the clear bag policy rules.


Only clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags, with a maximum dimension of 12"x6"x12", or one-gallon clear resealable plastic freezer bags will be permitted. Each attendee may bring one bag. Logos on bags must not exceed 4.5"x3.4".

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Only small clutch purses, with or without a strap, that are approximately hand-sized, will be permitted in addition to clear bags. Exceptions may be granted for essential medical items, subject to appropriate inspection at designated areas.

clear crossbody purse


All non-clear bags and/or bags larger than those shown above.

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